How Long Should You Breastfeed on Each Side

How Long Should You Breastfeed on Each Side?

Breastfeeding helps the baby bond with their mother. In addition, this feeding process comes with many benefits. So, breastfeeding might lower the chances of the baby getting bacterial meningitis, ear infections, and similar.

During the process, the baby is typically fed with milk directly from the mother’s breasts. Therefore “how long should you breastfeed on each side?” is a common question among many new mothers. For that matter, dive into this article and learn the answer.

How Long Should You Breastfeed on Each Side

How Long Should You Breastfeed on Each Side?

You should breastfeed your newborn for up to 20 minutes or longer on each side. In addition, if your baby is older than 3 months, then you can breastfeed them for 5 to 10 minutes on both sides. This is because as your baby grows up, they get more skilled at breastfeeding. 

However, sometimes breastfeeding time can vary depending on several factors. Firstly, breastfeeding will depend on whether your milk supply is produced because it typically comes 2 to 5 days after you have given birth.

Secondly, the breast milk flow will also influence how long you breastfeed your baby. By this, I mean that sometimes it can be too slow or fast. But instead of worrying, just relax. By relaxing, you can speed up the flow. To do that, you can listen to calming music.

Furthermore, your let-down reflex will play a role too. This reflex is in charge of the milk flow. So sometimes, it can happen instantly. But, other times, you may have to wait a few minutes. To activate it, you should take a sip of a warm beverage or take a warm shower before feeding the baby.

Besides yourself, your baby’s reaction to the whole process is crucial too. Therefore, sometimes your baby may be distracted or wants to sleep. Also, they can be slow in sucking the breast. In that case, breastfeeding might take you longer than 20 minutes. 

Related: How to Sit When Pumping Breast Milk

Alternating your breasts

So now that you know how long should you breastfeed on each side, let me share another useful piece of advice about when you should alternate your breasts. In addition, alternating your breasts will help you keep milk in both of them. Moreover, it will prevent engorgement.

Engorgement happens when the milk supply isn’t completely removed from your breasts. Therefore, you should switch breasts in the middle of every feeding process. Then you should alternate which breast you use first for feeding your baby.

Furthermore, do not worry if you can’t remember which breast you started or finished last time. Next time you are feeding your baby, simply attach a small safety pin to your bra. Also, you can write it down in a journal. This will serve as an excellent reminder.

How long to breastfeed your baby

You should exclusively breastfeed your baby in the first 6 months. Moreover, you should continue to breastfeed them until they turn 12 months old while they’re being introduced to appropriate complementary food.

In addition, being breastfed exclusively means that your baby should only be nursed with your breast milk. Therefore, their feeding process shouldn’t include formula, water, food, juices, non-breast milk, and similar.

However, when it comes to the duration of breastfeeding, it can also be a matter of personal choice. Moreover, I would say you should do whatever works best for you. In addition, the most important thing is for both you and your baby to be comfortable with it.

Possible Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

As I mentioned earlier, the process of breastfeeding helps the baby form a special connection with their mother. In addition, this natural process also comes with many possible health benefits. Continue to read and learn why it might be beneficial for both you and your baby.

For the baby

Breastfeeding may protect your baby from ear infections and bacterial meningitis. Moreover, this natural feeding process might lower the risk of your baby developing asthma and diabetes. In addition, breastfeeding may also prevent diarrhea, constipation, and stomach infections.

Furthermore, breastfeeding may help your baby build a strong immune system. Therefore, it may protect them from different kinds of short and long-term diseases. This means that breastfed babies are more immune to colds, respiratory infections, pneumonia, and similar.

What’s more, breastfeeding might improve the baby’s vision. Also, it may lower the risk of your baby getting eczema and allergies. Additionally, breastfeeding might protect the baby from developing speech and orthodontic problems.

Breastfeeding might improve brain functions too. Lastly, it may also lower the risk of cancer, leukemia, Crohn’s disease, and SIDS (Sudden Death Infant Syndrome). Now continue to read and learn more about how breastfeeding might be beneficial for you as a mother. 

For the mother

As a mother, breastfeeding might help protect you from developing breast cancer. In addition, this natural feeding process may lower the risk of getting ovarian cancer too. Moreover, it may regulate your blood pressure.

Furthermore, breastfeeding may lower the chances of developing diabetes type 2. What’s more, it may improve your heart functions. Also, it may help you lose weight faster and as well, it may lower the chances of anemia and postpartum depression. 


So, how long should you breastfeed on each side? The short answer is 20 minutes or longer if you have a newborn. On another hand, you should breastfeed for up to 10 minutes if your baby is a bit older.

When it comes to the feeding process itself, make sure both you and your baby are comfortable. In addition, take into account the breast alternation. In general, continue breastfeeding as long as you think you should.

Disclaimer: The possible health benefits of breastfeeding for both the baby and the mother may not apply to all. If you or your baby are facing a serious health issue, you must consult with your doctor or the baby’s pediatrician.

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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