How to Get Baby to Nap Longer

How to Get Baby to Nap Longer

You will surely agree that sleep is the most important thing for both babies and parents. For babies, good sleep is essential for physical and mental development, while for parents, it means enough time to complete daily responsibilities. But things do not always go the way we want. 

Short baby naps are a challenge that parents face. It can affect the day-to-day responsibilities we have to perform and the overall development of our babies. However, there is a solution to this problem. In this text, we will present you with helpful tips on how to get baby to nap longer.

How to Get Baby to Nap Longer

How Much Napping Is Enough

To extend the napping time of your loved ones, let’s first look at the duration of napping at different time periods. Note that the duration of naps varies with the age of the babies.

0-3 months: At this stage, the newborn sleeps a lot. On average, it would be 14-17 hours at night, while the other hours are used for daily naps. Such naps do not have to be consistent.

3 months: At this stage, naps last for 3-5 hours a day, which are divided into three to four naps.

4 months: At this age naps last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The total number of naps is 3-4.

5 months: The total number of naps is 2-3 per day and lasts from 1-2 hours.

6 months: At this age, the naps last from 1-2 hours while the number of naps is from 2 to 3.

7-12 months: At this stage, the number of naps is reduced and is 2 naps per day. Such naps last about 1-2 hours, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Useful Tips for Longer Naps

The following text will present some tips on how to get baby to nap longer. Hoping you’ll find them useful.

Sleep patterns

Every baby has a certain period of time when they sleep. Some have one to two daily naps that last an hour to two. Other babies have three to four naps a day for 45 minutes. The most important thing for you is to detect these time periods and adhere to them.

The environment in which the baby sleeps

Most babies under the age of 4 months have no problems with their sleeping environment and can sleep anywhere. But as they grow older, they begin to be more selective when it comes to the sleeping environment. This happens around four months which is a developmental stage in babies.

Therefore, try to create an environment that is similar to night sleep.

In this regard, make sure that it is a room where the baby will not be disturbed by outside sounds. You can also use white noise to help the baby nap faster and you’d make sure they’re napping peacefully too.

Therefore, ensure that the curtains are closed so that the sun’s rays do not disturb the baby’s nap and dream.

Soothing bedtime routine

The purpose of this routine is to give your baby signs that it is time to take a nap. Use a calming routine that you repeat every day for the same amount of time. This routine will be recognized by your baby and they will know that it is time to sleep.

For greater effect, use your bedtime routine. This will give the baby a sign that it is time to take a nap and you might find time to rest as well

Read more: How Long a Baby Can Sleep in a Bassinet

Screen time avoidance

Television can also affect your baby’s sleep. Even though they are small enough to use smartphones or tablets, the TV can be the reason why your baby is awake.

So when it comes time to go to bed, make sure there is no blue light or a light-emitting device on. That way, you can contribute to better sleep for your baby.

Improving the baby’s night sleep

You are probably wondering what night sleep has to do with naps. Acquiring a routine to put your baby to sleep at night always comes first. This is one of the important factors that can help you regulate and prolong daily naps. 

If your baby has not gotten into the routine of falling asleep at night, they will wake up in the evening, be tired, and will complicate the process of regulating daytime naps. When your baby sleeps well during the night, it will be happy and rested. That way, you will make it much easier to make them nap longer.

Full stomach for an easier nap

Food also plays a role in prolonging naps. In addition to naps, food also contributes to longer sleep during the night. If the baby does not consume enough calories, they can wake up in the evening to replenish the necessary calories. 

The same thing applies during the day. Napping with a full stomach lasts longer, and the baby will feel fresh and happier. To do this, make sure to feed them near the nap or an hour before the nap. Moreover, if you want your baby’s nap to last longer, be ready to feed them as soon as they try to wake up. This will get them back to nap for another period.

Reduce naps

Surely you are wondering how to get the baby to nap longer this way? The transition from two naps to one will certainly sleep less during the day, but such a nap will last longer. If the baby wakes up early from the morning or afternoon nap, it is a sign that they are ready to move from two to one nap. 

This transition occurs between 12 and 18 months but can also occur at a younger age. The same goes for three naps. Although the number of naps will decrease, the baby will have a longer nap.


Once your baby has a routine around their naps, make sure you are consistent. Just as a nap routine can be acquired, such a routine can also be lost.

Therefore, give priority to your baby and their time for napping. That way, you will have a happy baby, and you will have time to complete your daily responsibilities.

Also read: How To Dress A Baby For Sleep In A 70 Degree Room

How Much Napping Is Enough


Babies need special care especially when they’re in the first months of their lives. Feeding them as often as they ask for, giving them a daily and nightly routine, a calm and dark room, why not even white noise sometimes, will make them nap comfortably longer. 

Above all, a full stomach and a good nap means a happy baby. We hope that such tips will answer the question of how to get baby to nap longer.

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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