Keep track of the 24-hour circadian rhythm, often known as the “body clock,” which instructs our bodies when to sleep, eat, and digest. You will most likely set your baby’s circadian rhythm by 4 months, but her schedule will fluctuate until she is 6 months old.
Homeostatic pressure, often known as sleep pressure, is caused by a buildup of sleep. It rapidly accumulates in neonates and subsequently declines as they age. Infants and toddlers can continue for 2-5 hours without sleeping. However, newborns can only stay awake for 45-90 minutes. In this article, learn how to keep a newborn awake.
How to Keep a Newborn Awake
Trying to keep your baby awake For the time being, it will encourage healthy routines for eating and sleeping. Monitor your baby’s natural sleep and hunger cycles and keep a close eye on your child’s development. That way, you’ll know exactly when she’s ready to eat and when she’s not so that you can adjust your feeding schedule accordingly. In addition, create a dining environment, not a sleeping one. A few pointers:
Keep an eye on daytime naps
Isn’t it wise to allow a sleeping baby to sleep on its back? However, if your baby routinely snoozes right through meals, it could delay the development of the ability to distinguish between day and night. Use your knowledge of your baby’s feeding schedule as your guide.
Keeping her awake all day isn’t the goal here; she’s still far too young for that. Rather, the goal is to “remind” her that her daytime naps should typically be shorter than her nighttime ones.
Start slowly if you want to wake her up after a good nap gently. Do whatever you need to do to unwrap her, or if you can’t, put her on your lap and hold her upright. You can tell her it’s time to wake up by singing, chanting, or dangling toys in front of her face.
Make daytime exciting
Get up and go! You’ve heard about how the rising sun wakes you up? Your baby’s circadian rhythm will benefit from regular exposure to the sun, weather permitting (or sleep-wake cycle). In addition to light, your baby should see that daytime is a time of play and adventure.
Do not completely darken the room when your baby is ready for a nap, and resist the urge to keep the whole house quiet. However, this does not imply playing loud music or completely avoiding noise. Take care of household chores and play with older children. The sounds of everyday life clearly distinguish day and night.
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In What Ways Does a Newborn Sleep?
It is common for a newborn to sleep through the day and night, only waking to be fed every few hours. New parents frequently struggle with figuring out how much and how often their infants should nap. As a result, many newborns have difficulty distinguishing between the day and the night hours. Many people mistakenly believe that you should be awake at night and asleep during the day.
In general, newborns sleep 8 to 9 hours during the day and 8 to 9 hours at night on average. However, due to their small stomachs, they are compelled to eat frequently throughout the night. Babies typically don’t sleep for six or eight hours until they are three months old. However, there is a wide range.
Some newborns don’t sleep through the night until they’re at least a year old. At the very least, your baby will wake up every three hours and be hungry. The food your baby is being fed and how old they are impact how often they will eat. Make an appointment with your doctor to determine whether or not you should wake your baby to feed him.
Keep an eye out for changes in your baby’s sleep schedule. Your baby may have a problem if they suddenly wake up more frequently while sleeping. If your baby is experiencing a growth spurt, they may need to eat more frequently. Overstimulation or developmental changes may be the cause of some sleep disturbances.
Read More: How To Keep A Baby Awake During Feeding
When Is the Right Time to Feed Your Newborn Child?
When your doctor advises it
When it comes to feeding your baby while they are sleeping, we want to remind you that your doctor’s advice is always more important than ours. You should consult your baby’s pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns about anything the child may be going through. They’ll help you determine what’s best for you and your baby’s unique situation to ensure the best possible care for you and your little one.
Until your baby’s birth weight is regained
According to Kids Health, babies typically lose 7 to 10 percent of their birth weight in the first few days of life. This is completely normal as a result of the extra fluid a baby carries at birth. By the time a baby is two weeks old, they should have regained this weight. So, until then, your job is to provide all the calories your baby requires to thrive and grow at the expected rate.
It is possible to meet your baby’s daily caloric needs by not allowing them to sleep more than three hours at a time (yes, even at night).
To establish breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a supply-and-demand situation. As soon as your baby asks for it, your body responds. Breastfeeding around the clock is necessary to ensure that your baby has a steady milk supply. In the first few weeks, make it a point to feed your baby at least once every three hours. Be sure to keep in mind you can’t nurse too much!
Also Read: How to Get a Baby to Sleep in a Bassinet
Final Thoughts
It’s impossible to deny that the first few weeks with a newborn are difficult. Furthermore, it can be tough to rouse yourself sufficiently to disturb your sleeping child and not know how to keep a newborn awake. You’ll be able to let your kids sleep whenever they want and feed them whenever they “demand” as long as you keep reminding yourself that this is only a temporary condition.