What to Put in Diaper Bag for Newborn

What to Put in Diaper Bag for Newborn?

Being a new mom can be as stressful as it is rewarding. You may not think so, but newborns require a lot of things even though they are new to the world. So, having a checklist of what to put in diaper bag for newborn is a smart idea. The good news is you will only need essential things so that a diaper bag will be enough for all of them. 

It is important to always be ready for whatever issue arises. Newborns can be messy. They require a lot of attention. For example, if they get hungry and spit up, you will want to clean the baby up sooner than later. 

What to Put in Diaper Bag for Newborn

What to Put in Diaper Bag for Newborn

When thinking about the things you will need to put in a diaper bag for your newborn, it is best to make a checklist. The checklist should include diapers, wet wipes, spare clothes, toys, pacifiers, nursing pads, etc. Also, ensure you do not forget yourself and put a bottle of water, hand sanitizer, and some quick snacks like a granola bar in the bag. 

Making a Checklist for What You Need in a Diaper Bag

Your diaper bag checklist essential for a newborn should include the following items.

Extra outfit

If your newborn spits up or has an accident, you must change them quickly. However, you should pack a few extra, simple outfits in your “car bag”, just in case.

Wipes and diapers

For mothers, this is a no-brainer. By having a larger container of wipes in the car and carrying a smaller container of wipes. You will require a bag for dirty diapers and perhaps a bigger diaper bag to store them if you choose to use cloth diapers.

Wet wipes

Keep some antibacterial wet wipes on hand when there are no sinks nearby. You can also use the wipes to wipe down surfaces where you need to put down your baby or their toys and bottle.

Bottle of water and snacks

Running around with a newborn is exhausting, so make sure to look after yourself too. Put a couple of granola bars in the bag and a water bottle for hydration if you get hungry. 


Teething toys and rattles can entertain your child. And do not forget the pacifier as it can help soothe the baby if they are crying. 

Nursing pad and an extra shirt 

Nursing pads are excellent for new moms with high liquid output in the first few weeks after giving birth. The extra shirt will allow you to quickly change your shirt if you have some leakage. 

Pick Out a Good-Quality Diaper Bag

Although diaper bags are intended to contain infant supplies and necessities, there are a variety of sizes, styles, and even prices available. While not every new parent can afford to splurge on an expensive brand-name diaper bag. There are still affordable options as long as you know what you are looking for.

Read more: What Should Newborn Wear to Sleep in Winter?

Pick Out a Good-Quality Diaper Bag


Versatility is important since it will make you and your partner more comfortable holding and transporting it. There are many different types of diaper bags, but backpacks are a cozy, practical, and hands-free choice. Some bags are convertible and may be used as a messenger, tote, or backpack.


Choose a bag with lots of room because you will always require more space than you anticipate. If you choose a smaller bag, you will not be able to fit everything from your list of essentials.

Simple to clean

Life can be messy, but having children ensures it will be. Choose diaper bags that can be washed in the washing machine or that are simple to clean. You do not want to be stuck with a bag that comes with difficult cleaning instructions. 

Insulated pockets 

Pockets are excellent for keeping things organized and accessible, but you should seek a bag with insulated pockets so you can keep a prepared bottle cold. Otherwise, the milk will spoil, and you will have to throw it out. 

Added benefits

Although you can buy these items separately, some diaper bags come with unique clips that you can connect to your stroller’s handlebar and changing mats that unfold directly from the bag to serve as an instant changing station. These types of diaper bags are worth the price as they will last you for a long time.

Types of Diaper Bags 

There is more than one style of diaper bags. You can choose one based on your lifestyle or tastes. The various types of diaper bags include the following.

Tote bag

The tote style combines both fashion and utility. It resembles huge handbags exactly. Typically, they have a single, lengthy shoulder strap. Some models could have two shorter handle straps that you can use to carry the tote in one hand.

Backpack diaper bag

A backpack diaper bag resembles a typical backpack but has many compartments for all the things a baby needs, such as a changing pad, wipes, bottle, and other necessities. Backpack diaper bags are easy to carry. Put it on your back, and your hands will be free to deal with everything else. 

Messenger diaper bag

Messenger bags, which have one strap and may be worn over the chest or on the shoulder, are often called “sling bags” or “cross-body bags”. Messenger diaper bags are also excellent if you need your hands to be free. 

Convertible diaper bag

A convertible bag combines multiple styles into a single diaper bag. Depending on your needs, you can transform it into a messenger bag or a backpack. A convertible diaper bag is an excellent choice as it gives you the freedom of choice based on what you need it to be in a specific setting. 

Also read: How to Get Baby to Take a Pacifier


In conclusion, that is the complete checklist of what to put in diaper bag for newborn. Hopefully, now you can pack the bag without worrying about forgetting anything. Many new parents panic and overpack. However, you do not need anything more than the essentials to get you through the day.

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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