When Should I Start Shopping for Baby

When Should I Start Shopping for Baby?

A new baby on the way is always an exciting period in your life, but it also comes with a lot of preparation. 

Most parents struggle when deciding to begin shopping for the necessary baby products. I was also in the same situation, with many questions on my mind. Should I wait before I know the gender, or what’s the first thing I should buy? However, everything comes into place.

So, when should I start shopping for baby products? This article is the right place to get your answers. Continue reading to find out more!

When Should I Start Shopping for Baby

When Should I Start Shopping for Baby Products?

While different parents will give you different answers, the best time to start shopping for a baby is between 18 and 21 weeks. This is usually the time when you learn your baby’s gender. You should get all the necessities before your baby is born and avoid being rushed.

There’s no certain timeframe for you to do all the shopping. Even though it’s recommended to buy the more expensive things later in the pregnancy, nothing stops you from purchasing a cute onesie or blanket for which you’ve fallen head over heels.

There are a few more things to consider before you indulge yourself in buying new stuff for your baby. This includes support from your family and baby showers!

Reusable items from family and friends

Another reason why you should start the shopping spree near the end of the second trimester is that most of your relatives and close friends should know about your pregnancy by now. 

Once people start finding out that you’re expecting, they might offer clothing, cribs, or strollers they have lying around. This is a sure way to avoid extra costs, but you should ensure that things are in good shape.

Baby showers

Another thing you should have in mind is the baby shower. While celebrating your new baby is wholesome, it also saves you a lot of money on baby supplies. You might hit the jackpot and receive more expensive items like strollers or cribs. 

What Are the Necessities and When to Buy Them?

If this is your first child and you don’t have any baby items yet, it might get a bit confusing regarding what you should prioritize. 

For that reason, the section below provides you with all the useful information about what you should buy and when. 

Baby clothes

Baby clothes are the most tempting to buy. When you see cute onesies, socks, and pajamas, it’s almost impossible to say no.

However, buying too many clothes too early is never a good idea. Babies grow rapidly and rarely stay the same size for a long time. That’s why it’s a good idea to wait for hand-me-down clothes from relatives and friends or maybe even check out a thrift store. 

Parents usually start shopping for baby clothes as soon as they discover their baby’s gender, which happens around the fourth or fifth month of the pregnancy. If you decide to keep the gender unknown, you can always shop for gender-neutral clothing.

Also read: What to Put in Diaper Bag for Newborn?

Strollers and Car Seats

Strollers and car seats

Both strollers and car seats are essentials you should secure for your baby. However, they fall under the more expensive category, so you might want to wait until later in your pregnancy to get them. Buy them when you reach eight months, so you have them ready in case of preterm labor.

It’s important to research before deciding which stroller or car seat is right for you. This choice heavily relies on your and your partner’s lifestyle.

Some strollers are ideal for parents who are into jogging, while others have multiple functions by transforming into a car seat or a baby carrier. 

The same applies to the car seats. While some offer various safety features, others are designed to be convertible or highlight the baby’s comfort.

Nursery items

Setting up a nursery is essential when expecting a baby. Although the baby may sleep the first few months with you in the bedroom, you should also prepare this room in the second trimester of your pregnancy. Some essentials you should get are a crib and a changing table.

When shopping for a crib, make sure to also include the right mattress and sheets so you can provide the best comfort for your little one. 

On the other hand, the changing table should also include a changing mat and the appropriate mat covers. 

Hygiene and feeding items

Hygiene and feeding time are crucial for every baby, so you should be well-informed on everything they need. This includes a baby bath tub, towels, washcloths, body wash, shampoos, lotions, nail clippers, and a hairbrush. 

On the other hand, feeding items should include a highchair, bottles and bibs, burping cloths, a breast pump, and a nursing pillow.

Safety items

Your baby’s safety should be a top-notch priority. As many common household items are hazardous for your little one, ensure to baby-proof your home. You should invest in baby gates and outlet caps, baby monitors, night lights, and a changing bag, and don’t forget the baby monitor.

Also read: How to Wash Baby Clothes


When should I start shopping for baby items? I hope reading this article has provided you with all the needed answers! I have included everything you need to know about the essentials and when to buy them.

So, don’t forget to prepare for your new baby as soon as you reach the second trimester. Nobody enjoys being rushed, especially when it comes to your baby’s safety and comfort. 

It’s important to get the essentials like cribs, strollers, basic hygiene, and feeding items before you start piling up your dresser with tons of baby clothes!

Don’t forget, the most important and priceless gift for your baby is its mother’s love! No amount of material stuff can replace it.

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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