How Much Should a 4 Month Old Sleep

How Much Should a 4 Month Old Sleep

When babies turn around four months, their sleeping patterns change. This is a natural process called the circadian rhythm; it refers to the physical, mental, and behavioral changes in the cycle of 24 hours.

But how much should a 4 month old sleep? If you have doubts, don’t worry. For that matter, continue to read this article and learn all the essential information on this topic. Thus, let’s begin!

How Much Should a 4 Month Old Sleep

How Much Should A 4 Month Old Sleep

The short answer to this frequent question is ten hours at night and up to 4.5 hours a day. In addition, some babies can sleep up to 11 hours at night and around 3.5 hours during the day. So, if your baby sleeps an hour or less, it shouldn’t worry you.

Furthermore, remember that sleeping and napping are not the same. So, when it comes to napping, your 4-year-old month baby should nap between 3.5 and 4.5 hours during the daytime. Again, the napping process can be divided into short naps of 30 to 40 minutes.

Moreover, getting enough sleep is crucial for your baby’s development. What’s more, it may strengthen its immune system, and it might improve its brain functions. 

In addition, continue to read and learn more about how to start and create an appropriate sleeping pattern for your baby of four months. In addition, discover how to set its sleeping schedule based on those patterns.

Developing a Sleeping Pattern for Your 4-Month-Old Baby

Establishing good sleep patterns for your baby will benefit both them and you. I say this because looking after a baby can make most parents sleep-deprived. In addition, four months is the right age to create sleeping patterns. The baby’s natural sleep rhythm starts to develop at that time.

First, I want to introduce you to several signs of how to recognize that your baby is tired. So, if your baby starts to rub its eyes or yawn, it’s time for sleeping. Also, if it looks away from you or fusses, this can signify tiredness. 

Secondly, after two or three weeks of birth, you must teach your baby the difference between nighttime and daytime. So, make sure that by the time it turns four months, they know that we sleep during the night and are active in the daytime. To achieve that:

  • Use the lights for assistance
  • When night falls, feed your baby in a semi-dark room
  • Don’t interact with them a lot

On the contrary, during the day, play with them, and keep them active so that they don’t fall asleep before their scheduled time.

Setting a sleeping schedule

Firstly, set the area by ensuring the room is dark and cool. Furthermore, your baby should always sleep in the same constant environment. Moreover, around 6.45 p.m., get your baby ready for sleep. Then, make sure it’s asleep around half an hour later. 

Next, your 4-month-old baby should have three naps during the day — one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the late afternoon. So, the first nap should be around 8 to 9 a.m.; the second nap is typically from 11 to 12 p.m., and the third nap should be between 2 to 4 p.m.

As I previously mentioned, your baby must have developed sleeping patterns. This way, getting it on a sleeping schedule would be much easier. Also, as a parent, you must be patient. I say this because doing things on schedule can be a hard skill for babies to learn.

Lastly, you must stick with the schedule. Therefore, once you set the schedule for napping and sleeping, you mustn’t change it. This is because your baby is already undergoing changes and can feel upset. So, a sleeping schedule is a stability factor.

Read more: How to Get Baby to Nap Longer

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep

To make things easier for you, I’m sharing a piece of advice on how to get your baby to sleep, besides knowing how much should a 4 month old sleep. First, make sure that your baby is well (fully) fed during the day. This will lower the chances of it getting up during the night.

Secondly, you must keep the room dark. Next, slowly fade out of the interaction by speaking more gently and quietly. However, you should sit by their crib for reassurance. This can make your baby feel a lot safer while they slowly fall asleep.

Also, you can use a white noise machine to help it fall asleep quicker. This type of machine produces white mechanical noise. Moreover, you must adjust the white noise to a low volume. Also, lullabies can be efficient for lulling babies to sleep.

Furthermore, bathing your baby before sleep and changing it into fresh clothes can help. What’s more, you can read your baby a bedtime story too.

However, sometimes your baby may wake up during that night. Instead of rushing, wait a couple of minutes. Frequently babies shortly wake up and then continue to sleep. Therefore, you should approach it only if it continues to cry.

Also read: How to Get a Teething Baby to Sleep


Well, how much should a 4 month old sleep? To conclude, 4-month-old babies should sleep at least 14.5 hours in total during 24 hours. This age is an excellent time to set a regular sleeping schedule for your baby. To easily do that, all you have to do is follow a few simple rules.

Moreover, start by establishing a sleeping pattern. Then, you can easily get your baby on a sleeping schedule. In addition, a schedule may improve sleeping quality and overall health. What’s more, it can simplify your every day as a parent.

The possible benefits of white noise machines mentioned in this article may not apply to all babies. If you notice that your baby is having bedtime issues, you must consult with its pediatrician.

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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