How to Unblock a Baby's Nose Naturally

How to Unblock a Baby’s Nose Naturally

A baby’s health and safety should be every parent’s priority, even when it’s about as simple as a clogged nose. An inflamed nasal passage lining mainly causes a blocked nose and could lead to difficulty breathing or headaches. Common factors for a stuffy nose can be colds, allergies, or other illnesses.

Furthermore, unattended symptoms may lead to serious consequences, which often lead to numerous health problems later. As most medical professionals advise that babies should avoid cough and cold remedies until the age of two, more and more parents are searching for natural ways to deal with this problem. 

So, if you’re a parent and want to know how to unblock a baby’s nose naturally, this article is for you. Continue reading to discover different ways to help your baby and choose the best option!

How to Unblock a Baby's Nose Naturally

How to Unblock a Baby’s Nose Naturally

The most common way to unblock a baby’s nose naturally is by using saline drops, steam therapy, and elevating their head while sleeping. You can also try using a nasal aspirator, putting a humidifier in their room, and giving them chest rubs.

If you’re a new parent and aren’t familiar with any of these remedies, don’t worry. In the section below, you’ll find all the information about using these techniques.

Possible Remedies

Saline drops

One of the easiest ways to unblock your baby’s nose naturally is by using saline drops or spray. It’s a simple solution made of a salt and water combination that works magic when relieving congestion. It works by putting a few drops into each nostril, which then thins out the mucus clogging the nose. 

If you cannot go to the store and get some, you can make a homemade solution. Just mix a cup of warm water with half a teaspoon of salt and wait for it to cool. It’s safe to repeat the procedure as often as necessary, but remember to wash the used items with soap after each use.

The best way to apply the drops is by tilting your baby’s head and squeezing a few drops inside each nostril. Ensure you have tissues by hand to clear out the thinned mucus afterward.

Steam therapy

Another way to unclog your little one’s nose is steam therapy, especially if you prefer a hands-off approach. It’s best to do this by steaming the bathroom. Just run a hot shower in the room, wait until it steams up, and then enter with your baby.

So, you should sit there and breastfeed your baby for about 20 minutes. Furthermore, you can also try adding eucalyptus essential oils to the water, as they might help make breathing easier. Try this technique before using a humidifier, as the latter tends to leave the room wet.

Elevating the head

It’s normal to check on your baby while they sleep, especially when they’re ill. If your little one has trouble breathing while resting, try elevating its head.

The best way to position your baby’s head is at an angle. This way, the mucus can flow out naturally through the nostrils. You can also try raising the mattress by placing a rolled blanket or towel under the top end of it.

Chest rubs

Chest rubs are ideal before bedtime, as they can also soothe your baby to sleep. Use a thick lotion mixed with essentials helpful for a clogged nose, such as chamomile, eucalyptus, and lavender. 

You can also try massaging your little one with mustard oil and garlic, as their natural properties are excellent for treating colds and coughs.

Using a nasal aspirator

It’s best to use a nasal aspirator after you’ve applied a few drops of saline solution. When the mucus is all softened up, it’s easier to remove. 

Make sure to get the nasal aspirator from a trusted pharmacy and carefully read the instructions on the package before using it.

Other natural remedies

Not a single parent wants their little one to be uncomfortable and struggle with a clogged nose. However, one common way to try to unblock its nose naturally is by letting your baby cry. The tears can end up in the nasal passageway, thus loosening the dried-up mucus, which you can later remove with a soft cloth.

You can also try using a sliced onion, as its sulfur content draws out fluids and mucus. All you have to do is slice up a raw onion and place it on a plate near your baby.

Last but not least, the healthiest home remedy for a clogged nose is none-other than breastmilk itself. Not only does it provide the needed nutrients for your baby to get better faster, but it also provides the needed antibodies to combat a cold. You can also try squirting breast milk into its nostrils to possibly help clear any infections. 

Also read: How to Clean Owlet Sock

Symptoms of a Clogged Nose and Reasons Behind It

While there are a few causes for a baby’s clogged nose, the most common are allergies, colds, deviated septums, or poor air quality. 

However, it’s best to consult a licensed medical professional if you notice that your baby is struggling for a longer period of time. There are also a few signs that can indicate that your baby has a clogged nose. Some of them are:

  • Sniffling
  • Coughing
  • Trouble eating
  • Breathing heavily or snoring while they sleep
  • Thick or discolored nasal mucus


Now that you’ve discovered a few techniques on how to unblock a baby’s nose naturally, you can choose the appropriate one. Whether it’s steam therapy, saline drops, or chest rubs, it’s up to you to decide. 

Last but not least, always seek professional medical care if you notice that your baby is ill or effectively clear their clogged nose. 

I hope this article gave you all the answers you were looking for, and good luck with getting that little nose unblocked!

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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