What Does Vox Mean on Baby Monitor

What Does Vox Mean on Baby Monitor?

Baby monitors were invented in 1937 by Isamu Noguchi. He was a Japanese-American sculptor who designed the first so-called “Radio Nurse”. Today, his invention is a much-needed accessory to every nursery room.

Furthermore, this device comes with various features. The list includes night vision, multiple camera support, VOX, talk-back, etc. This makes many new parents curious to know what does VOX mean on baby monitor. For that matter, dive into this article and learn the answer.

What Does Vox Mean on Baby Monitor

What Does VOX Mean on Baby Monitor?

The VOX on your baby monitor stands for Voice Activated Alert. It’s a feature that is installed to help you preserve the video monitor’s power. In addition, it comes with various sensitivity levels. These levels determine how responsive the monitor is to your baby’s cry.

For instance, you may want the monitor to shut off when your baby is sleeping. On another hand, you will need the monitor to be activated as soon as your baby starts to cry. For that matter, all you have to do is adjust the VOX.

So how do you adjust the wanted VOX sensitivity level? Firstly, click on the Menu button. Secondly, select the VOX option. As you click on it, tap on the left or right arrow to choose the desired volume sensitivity.

Next, you must tap again on the Menu button. This way will exit the settings and successfully save the made changes. Once you have activated VOX, the feature will appear on the video monitor. It’s usually located in the upper right corner.

In addition, if you want to turn off this feature, then open the Menu. Moreover, once again, you must click on the VOX option. Then you must press the left arrow until you select Off. Lastly, tap on Menu to save the new changes.

How to use the VOX feature

So now that you know what this feature means, I reckon you should also learn how to use it properly. This will help you handle the baby monitor better. For that matter, I have included several practical tips to make things easier for you.

First, I suggest you place the camera near your baby. You can put it on a small table next to the baby’s cradle. In addition, the closer the monitor is to your baby, the more accurately it will detect if the baby starts to cry.

Secondly, adjust the VOX sensitivity level according to the time of the day. What do I mean by that? Well, during the day, your baby will most likely be awake. Therefore, the room will be moderately noisy. In that case, you should set the volume to three bars.

Moreover, you should set the volume to five bars if the room is super noisy. On another hand, set the volume to one bar during the night or during the day when your baby is sleeping.

Lastly, experiment with the levels. Since every baby is different, you should test all sensitivity levels. What’s more, I consider this the best way to discover which level best suits your baby’s cry.

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Why should you use VOX on your baby monitor

Why should you use VOX on your baby monitor?

The VOX feature will function depending on the environment itself. Therefore, sometimes the poor quality of the device or the lack of signal range may not give the desired results. This is why some parents dislike this feature on the baby monitor.

However, I have included several reasons why you should use it. Firstly, you will get to relax. Using the VOX feature simplifies the process of monitoring your baby. You can lie down to rest, and the device will alert you if your baby makes any noise.

Secondly, the VOX feature saves the power of your baby monitor. Therefore, you won’t have to constantly worry about its battery. Next, some baby monitors offer you the option to turn on and off the feature.

Also, as I previously stated, you can adjust the VOX sensitivity levels to suit your baby’s noise. This way, you won’t have to worry about your child’s comfort either. Moreover, this is probably the most important thing when using any baby device or product.

So now you know why this unique feature is useful. However, it’s up to you if you want to use it. Furthermore, continue to read and learn what to do if VOX isn’t working. 

What to do if VOX isn’t working

The baby monitor is a device, after all. Therefore, it, too, can sometimes stop working. So, you may adjust the VOX feature and still be unable to receive alerts when your baby makes noises. In that case, you should turn off the feature. 

After turning VOX off, you should maintain a regular live audio transmission. For that matter, I recommend you make sure that the receiver is plugged into the cradle. This way, it won’t run out of power.

The Power Saving Mode

As I explained earlier, the VOX helps you to sustain the power of the video monitor. In addition, the Power Saving Mode of this feature allows you to continue with audio monitoring of the room, even if the monitor display is turned off.

Moreover, you can choose when the monitor display should be turned off. For that matter, you should use the duration option. For example, you can adjust it to be turned off after 15 seconds. After it turns off, you will still be able to listen to the cameras.

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The baby monitor is a great invention. Moreover, it’s a necessary device for every nursery. This is because it comes with six fantastic features. Precisely these features might simplify your job as a parent.

However, to properly use the device, you must learn more about how it works. Therefore, you must know what does VOX mean on baby monitor, how to adjust its sensitivity levels, where to place the camera, and similar.

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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