When Should I Start Setting up the Baby Nursery

When Should I Start Setting up the Baby Nursery?

Becoming a parent partially includes becoming an interior designer too. Moreover, decorating the nursery can be a very special process. This is because, through the elements, you get to creatively express your love for your baby.

Many new mothers are concerned and ask when should I start setting up the baby nursery. For that matter, dive into this article and learn when is the best time. In addition, I have included advice on what to buy.

When Should I Start Setting up the Baby Nursery

When Should I Start Setting Up the Baby Nursery?

The best time to start setting up your baby’s nursery is in the second trimester of your pregnancy. This is because once you have passed the first trimester, you have no unpleasant symptoms like morning sickness and fatigue. Therefore you may be able to move more easily.

When it comes to the decoration itself, I recommend you focus on the main elements in the beginning. By this, I mean start by picking out the baby’s cradle, other essential furniture, and the color you would like the baby’s nursery to be.

Also, you can count on the presents you may receive from the baby shower. I say this because typically, at this special event, your friends and family members will bring you a lot of gifts. A lot of the time, the gifts are meant to fit in the room. So, check the gifts and cross them off your shopping list. 

If you hold the baby shower later, then wait until you finish it and then decide what to buy for the baby nursery. On the other hand, if you don’t want to hold a baby shower, you should start setting up the baby nursery in the second trimester.

After learning when to start setting up the baby nursery, continue to read and learn what you should buy. Additionally, I have included a piece of practical advice on where to place the elements.

What to Buy for the Baby Nursery

If this is your first child, you are probably very excited. Also, you might feel a bit lost or confused since there are many things you must buy. But don’t worry, I got you covered! So when it comes to setting up the nursery, there are several things you must keep in mind.

Firstly, you should take into account that the room must contain a cradle or crib where the baby can sleep. Secondly, the nursery must have a rocking chair or a couch where you can feed the baby. Next, you must purchase furniture where you can place the baby to change them. Also, there must be a place to put all the baby’s clothes and additional things.

Also, save money. In addition, as I said, you can also wait for the gifts from the baby shower. This way, you will also avoid buying twice the same things. Moreover, spending money wisely on your baby is crucial because babies grow fast and need new things sooner than you think.

Furthermore, to make things even simpler for you, I have divided all the essential elements into 4 parts in this article. This way, you can learn better what you should pay attention to when purchasing all of these necessary items.

Read more: How Long Do Baby Showers Last

The baby’s cradle or crib

The baby’s cradle or crib

The cradle is the first thing you should buy for the nursery room. Moreover, this is the most important piece of furniture. Also, since it must provide your baby a high-quality sleep, you must pick it wisely.

So when shopping for a cradle, first pay attention to the mattress’s quality. By this, I mean it must be very firm. This is because firm mattresses don’t sag under the weight of the baby. Therefore, I strictly recommend you avoid any soft mattresses. 

Secondly, consider the placement of the bars on the cradle. Moreover, there must be a distance of 2 ⅜ inches between each of them. In addition, the raised sides of the crib must be at least 26 above the mattress.

Lastly, place the cradle far from the window. The windows in the nursery are important to provide the room with natural light. However, your baby may feel uncomfortable if they’re exposed directly to the sunlight. If you worry about their warmth, then place the cradle near a radiator.

A rocking chair

A rocking armchair is the perfect element to create a place for feeding your baby in the nursery. This way, both you and the baby will be comfortable. In addition, as the chair smoothly moves, this will help the baby to fall asleep faster.

Furthermore, to complete the feeding place, you should add a small table next to the chair. What’s more, you can place a lamp on the table that you can use for nighttime feeding. Typically, you can also use the table to place a bottle of water and snacks.

Baby changing table

A place in the nursery where you can easily change the baby is very important. For that matter, you will need to purchase a changing pad. Additionally, you can place the pad on top of a set of baby drawers. 

In the drawers, you can place all the essential things you will need. This includes diapers, diaper creams, wipes, and a towel. Also, next to these elements, you should add a trash can or a diaper pail.

A closet for the baby’s clothes

Last but not least, you should purchase a closet for the nursery. The closet doesn’t have to be super large or wide. This is because the baby clothes are small and they won’t take up much space.

Furthermore, you can place the closet next to the changing table. This way, clean clothes will be near when you need them while you change your baby.

Also read: How to Organize Baby Clothes


If you’re still wondering when should I start setting up the baby nursery, know that you should start setting it up as soon as you feel comfortable enough to move around with ease. Most pregnant women don’t have any symptoms of morning sickness and fatigue in the second trimester.

When it comes to the decoration itself, simply pay more attention to the practicality rather than the aesthetic itself. After you have purchased all the essential furniture and elements, decorate the nursery with toys.

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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