How Long Does Gripe Water Take To Work

How Long Does Gripe Water Take to Work

As every parent knows, babies can be incredibly fussy and sometimes even cry for seemingly no reason. However, the reason may be because your baby is colicky. Colic can cause great discomfort for the little, which is why some parents have started using gripe water to help ease the discomfort. 

But you may be wondering how long does gripe water take to work? For that matter, I have created this article to provide you with all the necessary information. So, let’s get started and discover!

How Long Does Gripe Water Take To Work

How Long Does Gripe Water Take to Work

Gripe water usually takes 30 minutes to start working. However, some babies may feel the effects soon after you give them the gripe water. 

Also, you should give the baby gripe water 30 minutes after feeding, or if the child has issues with feeding, give it to them 30 minutes before eating.

You should consider giving your baby gripe water if they are in constant discomfort and crying for hours. 

The constant crying might mean the child is experiencing abdominal discomfort, gas buildup, or colic. These issues can cause the baby to lose sleep and have difficulty during feeding times. 

Giving Gripe Water to Your Baby 

If you try giving them gripe water 30 minutes after eating, it may help resolve the issues causing them discomfort. 

So, if your baby has gas buildup, gripe water may help them release it. If your child refuses to eat during feeding times, you can try giving them gripe water half an hour before. 

By giving the baby the gripe water 30 minutes before, the water will have enough time to work and clear up the issues so that your baby can eat. However, it is always a good idea to consult your baby’s pediatrician before giving them anything, 

Generally, every parent will tell you that gripe water is safe for your baby. This is because gripe water is made from a blend of natural ingredients considered safe and mild enough to be given even to newborns. It is considered a great help to the problems babies experience in the first six months of their life.

As I mentioned, gripe water is an all-natural mix of ingredients, with the main often being ginger. Ginger is a known ingredient that might help soothe abdominal issues and possibly ease colic symptoms. 

Uses for Gripe Water 

For newborns and infants, gripe water might ease gastric discomfort, help with a gastric passage, combat constipation, promote bowel movements, and possibly ease colic (or excessive crying). 

Some companies state that their product might relieve indigestion, teething pain, and hiccups. After giving gripe water to their babies, many parents report dramatic improvement in symptoms.

How Does Gripe Water Work

The original gripe water contained alcohol, which people once believed relaxed babies. Mothers and nannies first used it in England in the 1850s, and now we know that giving alcohol to a baby can be dangerous.

It is believed that foods like dill, fennel, and ginger might ease gas discomfort and stomach aches. If you decide to try it, ensure your baby’s pediatrician gives the go-ahead first to ensure that they are in favor of providing gripe water.

If your doctor gives the go-ahead, you might think about using gripe water only as a last resort when other gas-relief techniques, such as belly massage, tummy time, or leg cycling, do not seem to improve your baby’s comfort.

Read more: How Much Rice Cereal In Bottle For 1 Month Old

Get a trusted brand 

Get a trusted brand 

Since gripe water products are not subject to FDA regulation, you should also ask your doctor to certify that your brand is safe. 

When deciding how much and how frequently to give it to your infant, check the packaging for detailed dosing recommendations and first seek your pediatrician’s consent. The standard recommendation is four daily dosages, but only under the doctor’s supervision. 

By the time your child is six months old, when gassiness normally becomes less of an issue, you should stop using gripe water, even if your doctor says it’s okay for your baby and it seems to work.

What to Look Out for With Gripe Water 

Carefully read the ingredient list

Vegetable carbon, charcoal, should be avoided as it may result in constipation. Purchase only American-made, alcohol- and sucrose-free brands.

Read the guidelines

Various gripe water products have varied components, and most have different usage directions. 

So, be sure to thoroughly read the label before tearing open the box. Some manufacturers advise against using products until your kid is at least one month old. 

Additionally, every brand has different recommendations for how long to use a product, so study the labels and get reliable medical counsel before administering doses.

Potential Side Effects of Gripe Water 

Gripe water’s adverse effects are uncommon. However, newborns under a month old may vomit in rare cases. 

Also, keep an eye out for any potential symptoms of a gripe water allergy, such as diarrhea, rashes, and itchy skin. Call your pediatrician if your child has these symptoms after administering infant gripe water. 

Naturally, any indication of anaphylaxis, such as swelling of the lips or tongue or trouble breathing or swallowing, calls for prompt medical intervention. In general, you should refrain from giving your baby large doses of any medication, including gripe water. 

While not many often reported adverse effects, newborns can grow accustomed to a sweet taste and might momentarily reject breastmilk or formula. Consult your child’s pediatrician before introducing any gripe water to your newborn.

Also read: How To Keep A Baby Awake During Feeding


Hopefully, I have managed to answer how long does gripe water take to work. The timeline is not exact, but in approximation, it takes about half an hour for the gripe water to start taking effect. 

It can be extremely distressing to hear the constant crying of the baby and the parents, especially when you do not know what is causing them to hurt. 

However, just because you cannot understand your baby yet and ask them what hurts does not mean you should try out some solutions. So, you should always consult with your pediatrician if you can give your baby gripe water.

Teresa T. Sayers

Meet Teresa, the authoritative voice behind this blog. She is not only a mother to two vibrant youngsters, but also a certified Child Care Health Consultant, accredited by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.Teresa holds a firm belief that parenthood, while being one of the most magical and rewarding journeys one can embark on, is not devoid of challenges. This understanding sparks countless questions, and through this blog, Teresa strives to provide answers to as many of them as possible.



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